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Yuntaishan UGGp signed a cooperation agreement with Finland's Lokua Global Geopa
Date:2016-10-27 10:56:23 Click:

The Rokua Geopark, which joined the UGGp Network (GGN) in 2010, is the only geopark in Finland and the highest geopark in the world. This UGGp is a geoheritage of the Ice Age. It attracts thousands of tourists from home and abroad every year with its unique glacial landform features, innovative methods of science popularization and education, characteristic agricultural planting, outdoor ice, and snow sports, etc. Yuntaishan UGGp in our province is characterized by rich and diverse landforms such as mountains, rivers, canyons and peaks, and the cooperation with Lokuya UGGp is highly complementary and has a large space for cooperation.

The international exchange and cooperation of Yuntaishan UGGp is an important measure to actively respond to the regulations of UNESCO International Geoscience and Geopark (IGGP), and also provides a reference for other global geoparks in our province to carry out international exchanges and cooperation.


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