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Geopark Activities

Yuntaishan held a comprehensive tourism to create a centralized oath and signatu
Date:2017-08-03 11:11:41 Click:

In order to fully create a national tourism demonstration zone, fully mobilize and stimulate the county's cadres and masses, all walks of life more actively participate in the creation of work, August 3 at 9 a.m., Yuntaishan and Qinglongxia, a total of more than 400 employee representatives jointly participated in the "global tourism creation concentrated oath signature activity", calling on everyone based on their own, participate in the creation, take the lead in setting an example,Keep your promise.The oath signing activity is an important measure to create a national tourism demonstration zone, and it is also a work declaration for Yuntaishan to press ahead and take advantage of the trend.

Yuntaishan held a comprehensive tourism to create a centralized oath and signature activity

The oath activity was presided over by Xie Yingzheng, director of the county Tourism Committee, and Guo Xiaoli, secretary of the Party Committee of Yuntaishan Scenic Area Administration Bureau, led the majority of employees to solemnly swear and sign. Secretary Guo Xiaoli said in his speech that the creation of global tourism is a lasting battle, under the strong leadership of the county Party committee and the county government, standing in line with the development trend of tourism, a correct understanding of the development of global tourism, the great significance of creating a national demonstration city of global tourism, and further firmly grasp the confidence and determination of global tourism, with the help of "one game, one section" of the favorable opportunity,Focusing on improving management services, improving infrastructure, and increasing marketing efforts, we actively plan new projects, constantly create new advantages, and make new contributions to help Xiuwu's global tourism achieve faster and greater development.

Oath to clear ambition, signature voting heart. The purpose of this oath activity is to encourage all Yuntaishan people to consolidate the good image of martial tourism with their own words and deeds, with a high sense of historical responsibility and sense of mission, comprehensively improve the quality and taste of Yuntaishan, and unswervingly build Yuntaishan "international first-class, domestic leading" well-known tourism brand.


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