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Master Chen Zhenglei, the 11th generation descendant of the legitimate sect of C
Date:2017-08-21 11:12:57 Click:

On the morning of August 20, Master Chen Zhenglei, the 19th generation of Chen, the 11th generation of legitimate descendants of Tai Chi Chuan, the top ten contemporary martial arts masters in China, and the expert committee of the National Martial Arts Research Institute, led more than 130 disciples and students such as Zheng Guorui, Zheng Dongxia, Tong Jinwang and Pang Deli to visit the Qingtianhe. To prepare for the opening ceremony of Chen's Tai Chi Chuan drill base in Qingtianhe, this is also the second time that Master Chen Zhenglei led his disciples to visit Qingtianhe and perform Tai Chi Chuan god skills in the natural oxygen bar.

Master Chen Zhenglei, the 11th generation descendant of the legitimate sect of Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan, led a team of students to visit the Qingtianhe

Qingtianhe has a unique natural ecological environment, unique climatic conditions and rich plant resources. The overall concentration of negative oxygen ions is high, with a daily average of 144,000 / cm3, far exceeding the 1000-1500 / cm3 standard of fresh air stipulated by the World Health Organization.Make it a veritable "natural big oxygen bar", "natural forest recreation", "health resort", is a worthy of the name of the holiday health paradise, is the best place to carry out health and fitness sports such as Tai Chi Chuan.


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