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Enjoy the beautiful scenery of red leaves, explore the ancient road of thousands
Date:2017-10-22 11:14:46 Click:

The morning was clear, the sun was just right, and the air was cool with autumn. Xiaobian could not help but carry the camera to Fenglinxia. Want to take advantage of the sunshine, to a grand canyon.

Fenglinxia is composed of three major landscape resources: Fenglin landform landscape, river lake landscape and cultural landscape. It is called "a lake in the sky on earth and thousands of scenes in it". Due to the maintenance of the Fenglinxia dam and the release of water from the reservoir, this lakeshore treasure and geological scenery created over millions of years are presented to the world. Before the canyon is filled! While the red leaves are right! Meet Fenglinxia for a canyon adventure! I believe it will give you a different autumn travel experience!

Enjoy the beautiful scenery of red leaves, explore the ancient road of thousands of years, all in Jiaozuo Fenglinxia!


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