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Yuntaishan Hongshixia: "Three wonders" created by uncanny workmanship
Date:2017-11-09 11:15:49 Click:

Hongshixia, formerly known as Wenpanyu, is the most renowned scenic spot in Yuntaishan (located within Xiuwu County, Henan Province). The picturesque scene of the winding bridge over the red stones and emerald waters in the canyon is unforgettable, inspiring longing in the hearts of all who see it. Thus, it gained fame nationwide and became the classic promotional emblem of Yuntaishan. From a bird's-eye view, it resembles a miniature landscape of canyons, where the vigor of nature and the beauty of Yin and Yang merge, condensing the essence of mountains and rivers into a small space. With steep cliffs and red rock precipices, it's a rare Danxia landform landscape in northern China. Its towering cliffs and rugged peaks combine the majestic beauty of the north with the elegance of the south. The red cliffs, green ridges, and peculiar peaks form a unique mountain landscape. The reflection of pools, streams, and waterfalls enhances its charm, earning it the title of "Yuntai's Treasure".

Hongshixia is renowned for its "three wonders". Firstly, its scale belies its size. Stretching about 2000 meters from north to south and just over 30 meters wide from east to west, it narrows to only a few meters at its narrowest point, known as the "One-line Sky". It integrates springs, waterfalls, streams, pools, steep peaks, and bizarre rocks into one canyon, blending the beauty of ruggedness, grandeur, danger, elegance, seclusion, and mystery into one gorge. Secondly, its depth is astonishing, reaching 68 meters deep. The mountains are mountains beneath high mountains, and the waters are beautiful waters below the surface. Countless beautiful scenes and endless charm are hidden underground. Thirdly, its perpetual spring-like climate throughout the year. The valley remains cool and pleasant even in the scorching summer, and the green grasses do not wither in the cold winter. Every blade of grass, every tree, and every stone linger in the gentle warmth of nature, giving rise to the ancient name of "Wenpanyu".

The mountains are silent and profound, while the waters are lively and cheerful. In addition to the perennial rushing streams, waterfalls, and deep pools abound throughout the canyon. Springs and streams are everywhere, flowing gently and gracefully, spurting and splashing, or pooling serenely like green satin, echoing the inscription carved in the canyon: "Red cliffs rise ten thousand feet, green waters run a thousand deep".

Yuntaishan Hongshixia: Three wonders created by uncanny workmanship


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