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"Qingtianhe China Red" 2017 Jiaozuo Taihang Red Leaf Festival opened
Date:2017-10-16 11:15:26 Click:

On the morning of October 15, the opening ceremony of "Qingtianhe China Red" 2017 Jiaozuo Taihang Red Leaf Festival and the launching ceremony of Qingtianhe National Photo Contest was held in Qingtianhe Jinjialing.Zhang Yazhong, Vice Chairman of CPPCC of Henan Province, Xu Yixian, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Jiaozuo, Zhou Yaoxia, Deputy Director of Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau, Xu Bo, Chairman of China Financial Photographers Association, Yang Yahui, Deputy Director of Jiaozuo Municipal People's Congress, Ge Tanyu, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government, Wang Jianxiu, Vice Chairman of CPPCC Fan Tao, Zhang Dongtian, Director of the Municipal Tourism Bureau Jin Guibin,The opening ceremony was attended by Xu Ming, Director of the Political Work Office of Jiaozuo Military Sub-division, Zhang Jian, Secretary of Boai County Party Committee, Chen Hong, Deputy secretary of the County Party Committee and county head, Zhao Yang, representative of Xiangshan Park of China Red Leaf Union, representatives of Yuelu Mountain, Qixia Mountain and Tianping Mountain of China Red Leaf Union, relevant units of the city, relevant leaders of the county, relevant departments of Boai County and media guests.On the same day, more than 10,000 photography enthusiasts and tourists from all over the country walked into the Qingtianhe to enjoy the magnificent scene of 10,000 mu of red leaves sea, and jointly witnessed the grand opening ceremony of the Red Leaves Festival.

At the opening ceremony, tourists from all over the country said: Qingtianhe red leaves everywhere, the forest is very shocked, Qingtianhe Jinjialing 100,000 acres of red leaf forest fruit is really worthy of the reputation!


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