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The first in the country! Yuntaishan Culture and Tourism College unveiled!
Date:2018-06-07 11:16:37 Click:

On June 2, the Yuntaishan Cultural Tourism Institute, which was established by Yuntaishan Scenic Area Administration and Henan Polytechnic University, held its opening ceremony in Henan Polytechnic University. At the ceremony, the two sides successfully signed a strategic cooperation agreement to build Yuntaishan Cultural Tourism College, and Jiang Jiling, director of Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau, and Wang Xiaoping, secretary of the Jiaozuo Municipal Party Committee, jointly unveiled the Yuntaishan Cultural Tourism College.This is the first 5A-level scenic spot in China to join hands with colleges and universities to explore the new development model of "tourism + education", setting up a model sample of innovation and entrepreneurship between scenic spots and colleges and universities, and deepening the integration of production and education.

The first in the country! Yuntaishan Culture and Tourism College unveiled!


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