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Shennongshanin Jiaozuo has become the social practice education base of primary
Date:2018-10-19 16:02:05 Click:

On October 16, the Henan Provincial Department of Education, according to the "Notice of Henan Provincial Department of Education on the Recommendation of Primary and Secondary School Social Practice Education Base in 2018" (Jiaoji I (2018)231), passed the recommendation, expert review, field investigation, publicity and other procedures of the provincial cities and directly administered county (city) education bureaus.The Shennongshan Scenic spot in Jiaozuo was determined to be the social practice education base for primary and secondary schools in Henan Province.

Shennongshan carry forward the culture of Shennong, create enterprising style, inherit the spirit of Shennong taste grass as the cultural concept, practice the service purpose of "not let a tourist in Shennongshan wronged", honest management, sincere hospitality, and constantly improve the level of tourism service, committed to building a new era of tourism quality team!


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