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Celebrating Billions of Years of Earth's Story and Two Decades of Horticultural
Date:2024-02-23 16:30:47 Click:

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Global Geoparks Network, as well as the 20th anniversary for the first batch of Global geoparks in China, including Huangshan, Lushan, Zhangjiajie, Songshan, Yuntaishan, Danxiashan, Shilin, and Wudalianchi. These two decades have witnessed the magnificent journey and vigorous development of both the China Global Geoparks Network and the Global Geoparks Network worldwide.


To commemorate the glorious achievements of the Global Geoparks Network over the past twenty years, and in line with the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful China," the National Geoparks Network Center, along with the first eight global geoparks in China, has officially launched a 20th-anniversary themed promotional campaign in February 2024.


The campaign aims to enhance public attention and understanding towards Global geoparks and the Global Geoparks Network, while showcasing China's unwavering commitment and continuous efforts in natural conservation and the construction of an ecological civilization.


/ Campaign Theme /

Billions of Years of Earth's Story, Two Decades of Horticultural Elegance


/ Guiding Organizations /

Global Geoparks Network, Asia-Pacific Geoparks Network


/ Organizers /

National Geoparks Network Center, Huangshan Global Geopark, Lushan Global Geopark, Yuntaishan Global Geopark, Shilin Global Geopark, Danxiashan Global Geopark, Zhangjiajie Global Geopark, Wudalianchi Global Geopark, Songshan Global Geopark


/ Supporting Units /

Forestry Bureaus of Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Henan, Guangdong, Yunnan, and Heilongjiang Provinces


/ Co-organizers /

Wuhan Earth Science Tour Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Jiao Pa Ke Natural Science Education Center)

Celebrating Billions of Years of Earth's Story and Two Decades of Horticultural Elegance | The Global Geoparks Network and the 20th Anniversary Campaign for the First Eight Global Geoparks in China Kick Off!

This promotional campaign includes an online initiative using the hashtag #20YearsWithGeoparks, running from March 15 to April 15, leveraging social media to rapidly spread information. Offline activities will include science lectures, sharing of educational videos, distribution of brochures, and giveaways, presenting the unique natural landscapes, rich ecological features, and profound cultural history of the geoparks through a variety of activities.


Moreover, the eight geoparks will participate in global and national network celebration activities to enhance global attention and support. Through this series of promotional activities, we aim to convey the scientific value of geological relics to the public, leading to a deeper appreciation of Earth's majestic history and natural wonders, reinforcing the concept of ecological civilization, and promoting a societal consensus and action towards environmental protection, thus building the dream of a Beautiful China together and celebrating the charm of geoparks while safeguarding our green mountains and clear waters.


In this mission of nurturing nature and heritage, we are not just observers but bearers of responsibility. Since its inception, Earth has undergone constant internal and surface changes—seas turning to fields, continents splitting, drifting, colliding, and uplifting, all leaving traces of time in the strata. Geoparks are undoubtedly the most fascinating chapters in this historical record.


/ Global Geoparks /

A Global Geopark is a unified geographical area managing places and landscapes of international geological significance under a single concept of protection, education, and sustainable development. Utilizing the geoheritage of the area, along with all related natural and cultural heritages, Global Geoparks increase awareness of key issues facing society on our dynamic planet. They adhere to the principle of "celebrating the wonders of nature and striving for regional prosperity," aiming to protect valuable geological relics, promote science education, and foster regional sustainable development. Global Geoparks feature geological landscapes of scientific significance, rare natural attributes, high aesthetic value, and a mix of natural and cultural landscapes. Selected by UNESCO, this program was initiated after 2000 with the goal of identifying and conserving over 500 geological landscapes worldwide.


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