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“i Science Popularization" technology volunteer carried out activities
Date:2021-07-17 17:29:07 Click:

On July 16, under the leadership of associate researcher Huo Cuimeng, the chief science popularization expert of Henan Province, the "i Science Popularization" science and technology volunteer service team of t the Henan Academy of Sciences Institute of Chemistry Co., Ltd, together with the Yuntaishan Global Geopark’s Museum, carried out a new science popularization activity.

“i Science Popularization technology volunteer service team of Henan Acade

Qin Xiaoyu, deputy director of Xiuwu County Bureau of Natural Resources, and Feng Zhizhong, head of Yuntaishan Global Geopark’s Museum, presented at the site to express strong support for this activity. The two sides had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the experience of science popularization.

“i Science Popularization technology volunteer service team of Henan Acade

Chen Jihong, the winner of Henan science popularization explanation competition, brought a science popularization lecture entitled "the journey of tap water" to the tourists. Taking the beautiful landscape of Yuntaishan as the theme, he explained the difference between "natural water" and "tap water" and the preparation process of tap water in simple terms, and called on everyone to "save water, protect the environment, do science popularization and set a good example".

“i Science Popularization technology volunteer service team of Henan Acade“i Science Popularization technology volunteer service team of Henan Acade

In order to make everyone feel the charm of chemistry more intuitively, science and technology volunteers demonstrated interesting small experiments such as "rainbow rain", "liquid rainbow", "where is the water", "blowing balloons", and the magical "chemical magic" attracted a large number of tourists. Under the guidance of science and technology volunteers, on-site tourists, especially children, enthusiastically signed up and recreated the small experiment by themselves. The atmosphere was lively and enthusiastic.

“i Science Popularization technology volunteer service team of Henan Acade

This activity has created a new highlight for the daily science popularization publicity of Yuntaishan Global Geopark’s Museum, allowing tourists to participate, enjoy it, explore together and personally feel the charm of science and technology.


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