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In April, Yuntaishan carried out the city's youth science and technology educati
Date:2021-02-04 01:17:10 Click:

Yuntaishan carries out the city's youth science education activities on land and resources

As the first batch of national land resources science popularization bases, the Yuntaishan Global Geopark, in order to thoroughly implement the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Issuance of the Implementation Plan of the Action Plan for the Quality of Science for All People (2016-2020), actively respond to the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Organization of the 49th World Earth Day Theme Activities and Publicity Week (Letter of the Office of Land and Resources [2018] No. 300 ) of the relevant requirements, to continuously improve the scientific literacy of land resources of young people, to guide young people to understand the geological features of their areas, to learn common sense such as the protection of natural resources, and to establish the awareness of intensive, economical, efficient and sustainable use of land resources, Jiaozuo City Bureau of Land Resources, Tourism Bureau, Science and Technology Association, Education Bureau, Communist Youth League Municipal Committee, Women's Federation, a total of seven units jointly issued the "About the city's youth to carry out Notice on the Education Activities on Land and Resources Science and Technology" (Jiao Guo Tu Zizhi [2018] No. 34) document, during the activity period (from April 3 to December 31, 2018), Jiaozuo City youth under 18 years old (including 18 years old) who visit the five parks of Yuntaishan Global Geopark will implement the preferential activity of free entrance fee and half price of entrance fee for accompanying adults (within 2 persons). To ensure that this activity can be carried out smoothly, the Yuntaishan Global Geopark has further strengthened the construction of the geological resources science base, clarified the geological science line, improved the content of typical geological structures, strengthened the power of science propaganda, so that the youth visiting the World Geopark can understand the basic topographic features of Jiaozuo, the reasons for their formation, the overview of land resources and other natural and humanistic knowledge, and further -It also improved the scientific quality of the city's youth and enhanced their pride in loving their hometown and their enthusiasm in building it.


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