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Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour
Date:2024-06-15 10:42:23 Click:

Explore the wonders of the valleys and promote the culture of Tai Chi

"International Chinese plus Tai Chi" Eurasian Youth Summer Camp

Step into the Yuntaishan in Wang Wei's poetry

Admire the red cliffs and clear waters, comprehend the charm of Tai Chi, explore the spirit of the Wei and Jin dynasties

On June 14th, teachers and students from countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Ireland, Spain, Lithuania, Iran, the Philippines, and Japan gathered at the Yuntaishan Global Geopark. Although they came from different countries with different skin colors, and spoke different languages, they all shared the same passion for Tai Chi and Yuntaishan. Teachers and students excitedly took a group photo at the Baijiayan Square, visited the Yuntaishan International Friendship Forest, and toured the first wonder of the Hongshixia Valley. They walked through the shaded mountain paths, enjoying the red cliffs and clear waters of the valley and the crystal-clear mountain springs, practicing Tai Chi like flowing clouds and flowing water in the mountains and fields, enjoying the healing of nature in one breath, and experiencing the context of Tai Chi in one move, immersing themselves in the deep integration of the beautiful mountains and waters of Yuntaishan and the culture of Tai Chi!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

As one of the first national science popularization education bases, excellent science popularization education bases, and top ten educational science popularization bases, Yuntaishan Mountain has continuously explored the connotation of the geopark, expanded study courses, optimized study routes, expanded domestic and international study markets, strengthened service standards, and polished and launched high-quality study courses such as "Beautiful Mountains and Waters, Beautiful Yuntai" and "The Twenty-Four Solar Terms of Yuntaishan", creating a study tour brand with distinct Yuntaishan features, attracting music study camps, primary and secondary school expansion, geological science exploration, and red tourism study teams to come, enjoying the mountains and waters of Yuntai, exploring the spirit of the Wei and Jin dynasties, and tasting traditional culture!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Mountains and waters plus Tai Chi! Yuntaishan welcomes international study tour groups!

Youth journey, the beginning of dreams

Go, young man, to feel the breeze of the valley

To see the vastness of the mountains and rivers, to challenge the so-called impossible

The future of the young man is promising, we will meet at the top


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